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Monday, April 4, 2011

Casual Chic

 Blouse - The Limited 44.90
Jeans - Kut from the Kloth Nordstrom $69

I don't know about everyone else, but I refuse to give up comfort for fashion.  We all do it on occasion, but given the choice between binding uncomfortable clothing, and yoga pants and a tshirt, I'm usually in the yoga pants at home.  But when I go out, even shopping, I like to look at least somewhat put together so this outfit is my solution for jeans and t-shirt comfort while looking a little more polished.

I love the cut of this blouse, hides the dreaded muffin top without looking like you're trying too hard.  I'm not a huge fan of sleeveless but its Texas.  And it's hot, so I'm going to learn to love my arms.  It's a work in progress.

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