Is fashion a full time job for you?

If you like reading fashion blogs, trying on new clothes, BUYING new clothes, helping your uninformed friends not look a hot mess, then being fabulous is a full time job for you.

I will be posting lots of skin products and reviewing them for you, makeup and hair looks as well as reviewing any new products I come across and just having fun being fabulous!

Please ask question on anything you would like me to post about. Thank you for stopping by!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

6 days and counting!!!

6 days left until surgery......Each day I get a little more nervous, excited but nervous.  I've lost about 8lbs so far which is good but these protein shakes I'm living on are not the tastiest things in the world.

In other news, I won the superbowl pool from the temp job I got canned from Friday so that's fun.  LOL  I'm relieved actually, the job wasn't a good fit and I hated going there everyday.  So as of now, I'm on sabbatical so I can heal from my surgery properly, and find us a new house.

So today I leave you with a pic of my lovely protein shake I get to drink 2x's a day.  It looks like a chocolate milkshake.  Trust me, it doesn't taste like one.....

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