Is fashion a full time job for you?

If you like reading fashion blogs, trying on new clothes, BUYING new clothes, helping your uninformed friends not look a hot mess, then being fabulous is a full time job for you.

I will be posting lots of skin products and reviewing them for you, makeup and hair looks as well as reviewing any new products I come across and just having fun being fabulous!

Please ask question on anything you would like me to post about. Thank you for stopping by!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One week post surgery and OOTD - Jason Wu for Target

Hello everyone, it's been a week......Had surgery last Monday and seriously, it was WAY harder than I thought it would be.  Outpatient my ass.....I ended up spending the night in the hospital, my blood sugar spiked, my white blood cell count was high so I needed antibiotics and then 6 hours dry heaving.  Fun fun.....

I'm finally starting to feel human again.  On the bright side since starting the pre-op diet I've lost 24 pounds so I can't really complain about that.

So today I finally felt good enough to go get a pedicure and run some errands so I broke out a pair of jeans that haven't fit in awhile and a new Jason Wu t-shirt.  Also I want to share my lovely bruises....


  1. I love your blog! I followed you! I would love it if you could check out my blog and follow me? . Thanks so much.

    - Cami

  2. Cami
    Thanks so much. I checked out your blog and am following. I'm such a makeup whore I love your blog!
